Jan Hísek
Born in Prague, July 26, 1965.
Painter, printmaker, drawer. Illustrator Hísek graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague (1984-1990, studio of Book Culture and Lettering, Profesor Milan Hegar and Associate Professor Jan Solpera).
He lives and works in Prague.
Selected solo exhibitions
1992 Fronta Gallery, Prague
Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA
1994 Pecka Gallery, Prague
1995 Pecka Gallery "33 Days in Ireland", Prague
1996 Emil Filla Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
Gallery of the Academy of Applied Arts, Prague
1997 "New York, Pecka Gallery, Prague
Davidson Galleries, Seattle, USA
1998 Galerie NJV, " 8 Drawn Paintings,", NJV Gallery, Prague
"John´s Relevation", Aulos Gallery, Prague
1999 "Codex" Gallery of the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, Prague
2000 "Trip", Gema Gallery, Prague
"Maybe" New York University, Prague
2001 "Night" FCCA, Prague
2002 Czech Center, London
2003 "Death in Venice", Gallery Aulos, Prague
Gallery J. Jílka, Šumperk
"Magic of Darkness", Academy of Applied Arts Exhibition Hall, Prague
2004 "Midnight Heads", Gallery Obratník, Prague
"Eight Glasses of Jan Hísek", Gallery Pokorná, Prague
2005 Gallery of Česká pojišťovna, "Moon, Pond, Stream and Flower", Prague
2006 AM 180, "Flame", Prague
Czech centre, Roma, Italy
2007 Gallery Pokorná, "Eight and One", Prague
2008 Gallery Havelka, "The dead have no need for Knives" - Iceland Myths, Prague
Selected group exhibitions
1993 "Jacob and the Angel" Mánes Gallery, Prague
1999 Jindřich Chalupecký Award Finalists, National Gallery, Prague
2002 Klatovy Klenová "Wilderness"
2003 Moravian Gallery, Brno "Look Light"
Bibliofilie - ilustrace
1990 Jan Opolský: Hadí král, VŠUP, Praha
1991 Gustav Meyrink: Mistr Leonhard, Trigon, Praha
1995 John Ronald Reul Tolkien: Kovář z Velké Lesné, Aulos, Praha
1996 Gérald de Nerval: Příběh o Královně jitra a Sulajmánovi, knížeti duchů, Trigon, Praha
1998 Zjevení Janovo, Aulos, Praha
2003 Thomas Mann: Smrt v Benátkách, Aulos, Praha
Ostatní ilustrace
1998 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Letec a živly, Vyšehrad, Praha
2002 Chalíl Džibrán: Prorok, Academia, Praha
2004 Karel Toman: Tulák, Odeon, Praha
2005 Viola Fischerová: Co vyprávěla Dlouhá chvíle, Meander, Praha
2008 Mrtvému nože netřeba – islandské pověsti podle Jóna Árnasona, Argo, Praha
2008 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Tanečnice Manon a jiné texty (4 svazky), Vyšehrad, Praha